Surgical Grand Rounds - March 31, 2021  
  The ABTA Presents: Know Your Tumor: Medulloblastoma - August 25, 2020

While medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children, it can also occur in adulthood. Join this webinar to learn about the presentation, management and care for both pediatric and adult patients. This webinar will also highlight important differences in tumor biology, treatment approach and outcome between pediatric and adult patients.

This webinar was presented by: Dr. John Ruge, MD Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Rush Medical College Chairmain, Department of Neurosurgery, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Dr. Marta Penas-Prado, MD Associate Research Physician, National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research.
  The Relationship Between Chiari Malformation, Syrinx (Syringomyelia) and Scoliosis

With almost 30 years of experience in Chiari and syringomyeliaDr. John Ruge has seen practice change as we learn more about these disorders.

Dr. Ruge gives a great lecture on the changes in our knowledge of the connections between Chiari malformation, syrinx and scoliosis. Particularly in pediatric patients, Dr. Ruge talks about how these conditions can sometimes occur together!

This lecture was presented at the Chapter meeting on April 27th at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL. (2019)
Baby Dominique's Surgery 2017:

CNN - Risky surgery separates 10-month-old from parasitic twin


CBS News - Baby born with extra legs undergoes successful surgery in Illinois


The Sydney Morning Herald - Ten-month-old baby Dominique has rare parasitic twin surgically removed from her back

  New treatment for spinal cord injured hockey player:  

NBC Chicago coverage


Northwestern University coverage

  Grand Rounds - CSF Chiari Seminar at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital: August 14, 2012  
  Networks of computers analyze how networks of nerves in your brain talk to each other  
  Pediatric Axis Fractures: Early Halo Immobilization, Management and Outcome  
  Use of 5-aminolevulinic acid for visualization and... [J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2009]  
  Scalp and Calvarial Masses of Infants and Children : Neurosurgery  
  Brain Tumors Clinical Trial: Study of Aminolevulinic Acid to Enhance Visualization and Resection of Malignant Glial Tumors of the Brain [Conditions: Brain Tumors; Interventions: Aminolevulinic Acid]  
  Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging in pituitary macroadenoma surgery: an assessment of visual outcome; Neurosurgical FOCUS - 23(5):Page E12  
  Brain tumor professional app - Medeligo.  A professional app he designed to allow those caring for complex brain tumors to access the latest research information.  
  Read the new article about Medeligo, "This Chicago Surgeon's App Wants to Give Doctors a Better Search Tool Than Google".  
  1. Pneumocephalus in Patients With CSF Shunts. J.R. Ruge, L.J. Cerullo, D.G. McLone.
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  2. Pneumocephalus in Patients With CSF Shunts. J.R. Ruge, L.J. Cerullo, D.G. McLone.
    Annual Review of Hydrocephalus, Matsumoto (ed.), 1985.
  3. Manual for the Dissection of the Human Brain. Y.S. Hahn, J.R. Ruge, M. Quigley.
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  4. An Analysis of the Advantages of Stamm and Percutaneous Gastrostomy. J.R. Ruge,
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  5. Pneumocephalus (letter). J.R. Ruge, Neurosurgery 20: 503, 1987.
  6. Stamm and Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy. J.R. Ruge, R.M. Vasquez. In P.E.
    Kaplan (ed.), Year Book of Rehabilitation, Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1987.
  7. Manual for the Dissection of the Human Brain. (revised ed.) Y.S. Hahn, J.R. Ruge,
    M. Quigley. Northwestern University Publication, 1987.
  8. Pediatric Spinal Injury: The Very Young. J.R. Ruge, G.P. Sinson, D.G. McLone,
    L.J. Cerullo. J. Neurosurg 68: 25 30, 1988.
  9. Cover Illustration. Original design. J.R. Ruge. J. Neurosurg 68, 1988.
  10. Pediatric Spinal Injury. J.R. Ruge, G.P. Sinson, D.G. McLone, L.J. Cerullo. Current
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  11. Scalp and Calvarial Masses in Infants and Children. J.R. Ruge, T. Tomita, T.P. Naidich,
    D.G. McLone, Y.S. Hahn. Neurosurgery, 22. 6:1037 1042, 1988.
  12. Pediatric Spinal Injury: The Very Young (abst.) J.R. Ruge, G.P. Sinson, D.G. McLone,
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  13. Mineralization of the Falx Cerebri Simulating Inter hemispheric Vascular Anomalies:
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  14. Posterior Fossa Cysts: Supratentorial Shunt Placement with Ultrasound Guidance.
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  15. "New Post Operative Clinical Syndromes." J.R. Ruge. PRINCIPLES OF PEDIATRIC
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  16.  Brainstem Tumor Resection: New Technique. J.R. Ruge. Medical Staff Journal 2, 2: 6 7, 1992.
  17. "Cerebral Spinal Fluid Diversion Procedures." J.R. Ruge, D.G. McLone. Brain Surgery:
    Complication Avoidance and Management. M.L.J. Apuzzo, ed., Churchill Livingstone, 1992.
  18. Anatomical Progression of the Chiari II Malformation. J.R. Ruge, J. Masciopinto,
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  19. Hydrocephalus Handbook for Parents. Lutheran General Publication, 1992.
  20. Midbrain Tumors in Children. J.R. Ruge. Crit. Rev. Neurosurg 3: 66 71, 1993.
  21. Brainstem Gliomas. J.R. Ruge. Crit. Rev. Neurosurg 3: 379-384, 1993.
  22. Epilepsy Surgery: A Twelve-Year Old Boy. J.R. Ruge, M.Chez. Medical Staff Journal,
  23. Pediatric Axis Fractures: Early Halo Immobilization, Management and Outcome.
    M. Mandabach, J.R. Ruge, Y.S. Hahn, D.G. McLone. Pediatric Neurosurg. 19: 225-232,
  24. Neuroendoscopy: A Twelve Year-Old Girl. J.R. Ruge. Medical Staff Journal, 1994.
  25. Pediatric Meningiomas. S. Newlon, J.R. Ruge. Crit. Rev. Neurosurg. 5: 31-41, 1995.
  26. Pediatric Intracranial Cysts. R.F.Johnson, J.R.Ruge. Crit. Rev. Neurosurg. 6:323-332. 1995.
  27. Cavernous Hemangioma of the Upper Cervical Spinal Cord. J. Stone, T. Lichtor, J. R. Ruge. Spine 20 (10): 1205-1207, 1995.
  28. Burr Hole Neuroendoscopic Fenestration of Quadrigeminal Cistern Arachnoid Cysts. J. R. Ruge, R. Johnson, J. Bauer. Neurosurgery 38: 830-837, 1996.
  29. Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: Female Monozygotic Triplets. J. R. Ruge, T. S. Newland. J. Neurosurgery 85: 152-156, 1996.
  30. Cover Illustration, Original Design. J.R.Ruge. J. Neurosurgery 85: 152-156, 1996.
  31. Medulloblastomas. R.Johnson, J.R.Ruge. Crit. Rev. Neurosurg. 6:334-350, 1996
  32. Tuberculoma Presenting As An En plaque Meningioma: Case Report. J. Bauer, R.Johnson, J.Levy, D.Pojman, J.Ruge. J. Neurosurgery 85: 685-688, 1996.
  33. Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Pediatric Brain Tumors. W.Hartsell, M.Herman, J.R.Ruge
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  34. XIVth Meeting of the Sociedad Espanola de Neurocirugia Pediatrica (SENEP)
    Malaga, 28-29 Nov. 1997. J.R.Ruge. Child’s Nerv. Syst (1998) 14:292
  35. Medulloblastoma: Late Outcome. A.Todd, J.R.Ruge. Crit. Rev. Neurosurg. 9: 174-179, 1999
  36. Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pituitary Surgery: An Assessment of Visual Outcomes. J Jones, J.R. Ruge. Neurosurgical focus. 23, 5, 2007.
  37. Use of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid for Visualization and Resection of a Benign Pediatric Brain tumor. Case Report. J.R. Ruge, J. Lui, J. Neurosurg. Pediatrics 4:484-486, 2009.
  38. Considerations in the Management of Congenital Dermoid Cysts.  S. Khalid,  J.R. Ruge. J Neurosurg Pediatr. Apr 21:1-5.  2017.
  39. The Use of 5-aminolevulinic  Acid in Resection of Pediatric Brain Tumors: a Critical Review. C Zhang, F Boop, J Ruge. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. - 2018 - Click here to read.
  40. Parasitic Rachipagus Conjoined Twin:  Case Report. N Kharanin, J Ruge, F Vicari, E Belin, R Kellogg, J Steinberg. J. Neurosurg Pediatr 22:313-316, 2018
  41. Quality of life in a 61-year-old paraplegic patient with myelomeningocele: illustrative case. A Borowsky MS, J Ruge MD. J Neurosurg Case Lessons 3(12): Case21674, 2022 (Download PDF)
  42. Postinfectious coronavirus disease 2019 hemorrhagic cerebellitis: illustrative case. EK Chow, BM Rabin, JR Ruge. J Neurosurg Case Lessons 4(10): CASE22219, 2022 (Download PDF)
  43. Postinfectious coronavirus disease 2019 hemorrhagic cerebellitis: illustrative case. E K Chow, B M Rabin, J R Ruge. J Neurosurg Case Lessons 4(10): Case 22219, 2022.
  44. Spinal epidural lipomatosis in a pediatric patient with a malignant brain tumor: Illustrative case. R Berlet, D Li, J R Ruge. J. Neurosurg Case Lessons. Volume5(2023) Issue 8. Feb. 2023.
  45. Cranial vault suspension for basilar invagination in patients with open cranial sutures: technique and long-tern follow-up. Illustrative Case. C B Cutler, D Li, J R Ruge J. Neurosurg Case Lessons 6(22). Case 23552, 2023
  46. Treatment of cerebral radiation necrosis using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a child. Illustrative Case. MJ Jimenez, M Mohiuddin, D Li, J R Ruge J. Neurosurg Case Lessons 8(21). Case 24460, 2024
  1. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography of CBF in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
    J.R. Ruge, Y. Chung, L.J. Cerullo, S. Spies, H. Spies. Congress of Neurological
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  2. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Aneurysm Subarachnoid
    Hemorrhage. L.J. Cerullo, J.R. Ruge, Y. Chung, S.M. Spies, W.J. Spies. Neurosurgical
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  3. Clinical Assessment of Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using I 123
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    A. Zimmer, E. Silverstein. The Radiological Society of North America. December, 1986.
  4. Head "Lumps" of Infants and Children. Section of Pediatric Neurological Surgery.
    J.R. Ruge, T. Tomita, T.P. Naidich, D.G. McLone, Y.S. Hahn. Section of Pediatric
    Neurological Surgery, A.A.N.S., Pittsburgh, PA, 1986.
  5. Pediatric Spinal Cord Injuries. J.R. Ruge, G. Sinson, D.G. McLone, L.J. Cerullo.
    A.A.N.S./C.N.S. Joint Section on Spinal Disorders, Boca Raton, FL, 1987.
  6. Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury. J.R. Ruge, G.P. Sinson,
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    Joint Section on Spinal Disorders, Boca Raton, FL, 1987.
  7. Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries in Children: Management Problems of C2 Injury. J.R. Ruge,
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    Baltimore, MD, 1987.
  8. Severe Head Injury in Children: The Use of I 123 HIPDM SPECT Scan & Arteriojugular
    Venous Oxygen Content Differences (AVDO2). J.R. Ruge, Y.S. Hahn, J. Conway,
    Z. Noah, D.G. McLone. Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery, A.A.N.S., Chicago, IL, 1987.
  9. Severe Head Injury in Children: The Use of I 123 HIPDM SPECT Scan & Arteriojuglar Venous Oxygen Content Differences (AVDO2). Y.S. Hahn, J.R. Ruge, J. Conway,
    Z. Noah, D.G. McLone. A.A.N.S., Toronto, Canada, 1988.
  10. The Evaluation of Children With Severe Brain Injuries Using I 123 HIPDM and
    Arteriojugular Venous Oxygen Content Differences. J. Conway, S. Weiss, Y.S. Hahn,
    Z. Noah, J.R. Ruge, D.G. McLone. Society of Nuclear Medicine 35th Annual Meeting,
    San Francisco, CA, 1988.
  11. Anatomical Progression of the Chiari II Malformation. J.R. Ruge, B.B. Storrs,
    J. Masciopinto, D.G. McLone. Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery, A.A.N.S.,
    Washington, DC, 1989.
  12. Anatomical Progression of the Chiari II Malformation. J.R. Ruge, B.B. Storr,
    J. Masciopinto, D.G. McLone. First North American Skull Base Society Meeting.
    Marina del Ray, CA, 1990.
  13. Cryomicrosection of a 20 Week Gestation Fetus With Myelomeningocele. J.R. Ruge,
    D.G. McLone. Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery, A.A.N.S., San Diego, CA, 1990.
  14. Management of Axis Fractures in Very Young Children. Y.S. Hahn, J.R. Ruge,
    D.G. McLone. Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery, A.A.N.S., San Diego, CA, 1990.
  15. Case Management Approach to Severe Head Injury. M. Shah, J. Wubs, J. Ruge, R. Sulkowski, J. Sienkowski, K. Tanouye. Congress of American College of Surgeons, New Orleans, October 1995.
  16. Case Management Approach to Severe Head Injury. M. Shah, J. Wubs, J.Ruge, R.Sulkowski, J.Sienkowski, K.Tanouye. R. Adams Cowley 17th National Trauma Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland, 11/96.
  17. Treatment of Low Grade Chiasmatic/Hypothalamic Gliomas in Children Less Than One Year of Age at Diagnosis. R.J. Packer, T. MacDonald, D. LaFond, K. Cooney, J Ruge,
    P. Cogen. American Academy of Neurology, 53rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
    May 2001
  18. Neurosurgical Management of Brain Tumors in Infants. J. Ruge. European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Rome, Italy, May 2004
  19. Pediatric Brain Tumors – Delay in Diagnosis? S. Fisher, D. Fleig, J. Ruge. European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery. Rome, Italy May 2004
  20. Ventriculoatrial Shunt for Complicated Chronic Hydrocephalus, 2021 - Poster (PDF)