The ABTA Presents: Know Your Tumor:
Medulloblastoma - August 25, 2020
While medulloblastoma is the most common
malignant brain tumor in children, it
can also occur in adulthood. Join this
webinar to learn about the presentation,
management and care for both pediatric
and adult patients. This webinar will
also highlight important differences in
tumor biology, treatment approach and
outcome between pediatric and adult
This webinar was presented by: Dr. John
Ruge, MD Assistant Professor of
Neurosurgery, Rush Medical College
Chairmain, Department of Neurosurgery,
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Dr.
Marta Penas-Prado, MD Associate Research
Physician, National Cancer Institute's
Center for Cancer Research.
The Relationship Between Chiari Malformation, Syrinx (Syringomyelia) and
With almost 30 years of experience in Chiari and syringomyelia, Dr.
John Ruge has seen practice change as we learn more about these disorders.
Dr. Ruge gives a great lecture on the changes in our knowledge of the
connections between Chiari malformation, syrinx and scoliosis. Particularly in
pediatric patients, Dr. Ruge talks about how these conditions can sometimes
occur together!
Brain tumor professional app -
Medeligo. A professional app
he designed to allow those caring for
complex brain tumors to access the
latest research information.
Read the new article about Medeligo,
"This Chicago Surgeon's App Wants to
Give Doctors a Better Search Tool Than
Pneumocephalus in Patients With CSF
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Pneumocephalus in Patients With CSF
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Manual for the Dissection of the
Human Brain. Y.S. Hahn, J.R. Ruge, M.
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An Analysis of the Advantages of
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Stamm and Percutaneous Endoscopic
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Manual for the Dissection of the
Human Brain. (revised ed.) Y.S. Hahn,
J.R. Ruge, M. Quigley. Northwestern University
Publication, 1987.
Pediatric Spinal Injury: The Very
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Pediatric Spinal Injury. J.R. Ruge,
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Current Surgery. L.M. Nyhus (ed.), Chicago, IL,
Scalp and Calvarial Masses in
Infants and Children. J.R. Ruge, T.
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Pediatric Spinal Injury: The Very
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Mineralization of the Falx Cerebri
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Use of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid for
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Considerations in the Management
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The Use of 5-aminolevulinic Acid in Resection of Pediatric Brain Tumors: a
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here to read.
Parasitic Rachipagus Conjoined Twin: Case Report. N Kharanin, J Ruge, F Vicari,
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Quality of life in a 61-year-old
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myelomeningocele: illustrative case.
A Borowsky MS, J Ruge MD. J
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Postinfectious coronavirus disease 2019 hemorrhagic cerebellitis: illustrative
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Postinfectious coronavirus
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Spinal epidural lipomatosis in a
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Cranial vault suspension for
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Illustrative Case. C B Cutler, D Li,
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Treatment of cerebral radiation necrosis using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a child. Illustrative Case. MJ Jimenez, M Mohiuddin, D Li, J R Ruge J. Neurosurg Case Lessons 8(21). Case 24460, 2024
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Single Photon Emission Computed
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Clinical Assessment of Patients with
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Head "Lumps" of Infants and Children.
Section of Pediatric Neurological
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Neurological Surgery, A.A.N.S.,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1986.
Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of
Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury. J.R. Ruge,
G.P. Sinson, D.G. McLone, L.J. Cerullo, T.P. Naidich,
M. Radkowski. A.A.N.S./C.N.S. Joint Section on Spinal Disorders, Boca
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Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries in
Children: Management Problems of C2
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Surgeons, Baltimore, MD, 1987.
Severe Head Injury in Children: The
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Severe Head Injury in Children: The
Use of I 123 HIPDM SPECT Scan &
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The Evaluation of Children With
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Differences. J. Conway, S. Weiss, Y.S.
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Anatomical Progression of the Chiari
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Anatomical Progression of the Chiari
II Malformation. J.R. Ruge, B.B. Storr, J. Masciopinto, D.G. McLone. First North
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Cryomicrosection of a 20 Week
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J.R. Ruge, D.G. McLone. Section of Pediatric
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Management of Axis Fractures in Very
Young Children. Y.S. Hahn, J.R. Ruge,
D.G. McLone. Section of Pediatric
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Case Management Approach to Severe
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Case Management Approach to Severe
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Treatment of Low Grade
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Neurosurgical Management of Brain
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Pediatric Brain Tumors – Delay in
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Ventriculoatrial Shunt for
Complicated Chronic Hydrocephalus,
2021 - Poster (PDF)